Family Support Coordinator

Addison Housing Works
Addison County, VT
Part Time
1 month ago

家庭支援协调员在行政主任及物业管理处处长的共同监督下工作, 与物业管理团队的成员合作,将居民,特别是面临驱逐风险的家庭,与他们在家中取得成功所需的支持和综合服务联系起来.  FSC将采取积极主动的方式与指定的个人进行接触, using empathy, tact, 以及建立信任关系的专业性,以促进参与并使参与者获得长期成功的住房安置.  金融监督委员会还将协助实施和维护一个案件管理系统,以便准确, 实时跟踪和沟通所有关键的内部团队成员和合作伙伴的进展. This is a direct Service role.

Essential Job Responsibilities:

  • 与物业经理合作解决租户冲突/违反租约的问题.
  • Families and non-elderly individuals are the primary focus.  许多参与者将有无家可归的历史或其他与住房相关的挑战.
  • 建立信任关系,以全面了解每位住院医师的优势和挑战,因为他们涉及到在家中保持安全.
  • Proactively contact referred residents using personal introductions, door knocking, 以及其他可能需要的技巧,以便与每个人进行初步和持续的接触,以促进成功的接触.
  • 与居民合作,确定需求,并协助确定和获得伙伴机构酌情提供的适用服务,以防止驱逐和无家可归.
  • Establish and maintain good working relationships, on-going liaison with, 并深入了解社区组织提供的服务,包括但不限于HOPE, CVOEO, John Graham Housing & Services, Turning Point Center, DCF, and the Parent Child Center; attend meetings with partner agencies and collaboration groups as required.
  • Assist the management team in the development, implementation and maintenance of a case management tracking system, including the ongoing, 及时输入状态更新和有关进展的适用注释.
  • 为参与者提供教育,帮助他们自给自足.
  • 根据与服务合作伙伴的谅解备忘录(mou),为搬进住房的参与者提供支持,以确保通过制定个性化服务计划(ISP)和必要的释放来确定和满足需求.
  • 与指定的居民社区联系,并随时提供支持, conflict resolution, and crisis intervention as needed by the Property Management Team.
  • 提供资源,帮助住客解决社交上的挑战.
  • Acts as advocate for residents as appropriate.
  • Identify resident and community needs/wishes and develop community-based programming in response; develop and maintain a regular calendar of activities and events for participants.
  • Perform timely and accurate data entry to track status of each assigned individual or family’s progress; provide data analysis and reporting to Management Team to guide program development.
  • Work on special projects as needed.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • 以专业、尊重和礼貌的态度与公众和住院医生互动.
  • Represent ACCT and its interests to residents and the general public. 

Job Qualifications: 

Attributes Required:

  • Effective communicator:   Must convey the purpose of the organization well at all times.  **必须能够清晰地表达问题、关注点和潜在的解决方案.**
  • Ability to Handle Adversity and Resolve Conflicts:  必须能够忍受有压力的居住环境,并通过同情和公平的行动来解决同样的问题,并保持一定程度的超然,以保持健康的界限.  必须有较强的维持合作和有效关系的能力.
  • Highly Organized and Self-Motivated: 必须能够在快节奏的环境中发起和完成项目,并具有高度的独立性,同时作为团队成员有效地工作. 

Skills Required

  • Technical skills:  Must have proficiency in computer word processing, 电子表格(尤其是Excel)和数据库程序(有使用Classic软件的经验) & other property management software a plus).  能熟练使用复印机、传真机、电脑等办公设备. 

Physical Qualifications:

  • Must be able to climb at least two successive flights of stairs, 举起和搬运典型的办公室投递的大小和重量的包裹,有时40磅. 甚至更多,每周5天,每天工作8小时,在电脑工作站完成任务.
  • 该个人必须具备执行上述基本工作职责的身体和精神能力. 但是,可以提供合理的便利,以帮助履行这些职责.
  • The job entails long periods of sitting at a desk.
272 Main St
PO Box 311
Vergennes, VT 05491